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Granular Jobs Report

The Granular Jobs Report provides a comprehensive breakdown of transactional data from the Jobs module in Dsposal's Paperwork. This detailed report offers insights into various aspects of each job, including job details, customer information, site locations, waste management specifics, carrier and disposal site details, as well as pricing and financial information. With granular level data, users gain a deeper understanding of individual jobs and their associated activities, facilitating efficient tracking, management, and analysis of job-related operations.

Before you start

Before getting started, there are a couple of helpful things to know:

  • The date from and to fields relate to the dates when the job scheduled OR when the job was requested by the client and all jobs that have NO date assigned to them.
  • Deleted sales are NOT included in the report.
  • Each job in the granular jobs report is uniquely identified by a jobId.
  • The jobNumber serves as a reference code for each job and may appear multiple times if there are multiple extra lines associated with the same job.
  • This duplication of jobNumbers allows for a comprehensive view of all waste and extra lines associated with a particular job, ensuring accurate tracking of wastes and extras or managed through job activities.
  • The carrier and disposal sites listed in the report are the specifically chosen suppliers, and do not represent the complete roster of carriers and disposal sites linked to the job.

Fields in the report

Field Name Format Type Description
jobId Number The unique identifier for the job record.
jobNumber Text Paperwork-generated unique identifier for this job.
quoteNumber Text Paperwork-generated unique identifier for this sales transaction.
consignmentNoteCode Text Code for the consignment note related to the job.
jobName Text The name assigned to this job. It provides a descriptive label for the job, aiding in easy recognition.
jobDescription Text Description of the job.
jobStatus Text Current status of the job (e.g., Invoiced, Completed).
contactMethod Text Method of contact for the job (e.g., Existing Customer, Email).
jobDate Date/Time The date and time when the job was either requested OR scheduled.
accountNumber Text Account number of the customer associated with the job.
customerName Text Name of the customer associated with the job.
customerAddress Text Address of the customer associated with the job.
customerSector Text Sector or industry of the customer associated with the job.
customerContactName Text Name of the contact person at the customer's organisation.
customerContactEmail Text Email address of the contact person at the customer's organisation.
requestedByName Text Name of the individual who requested the job.
requestedByEmployeeNumber Text Employee number of the person who requested the job.
customerDepartment Text Department within the customer's organisation.
invoicingName Text Name used for invoicing purposes.
invoicingAddress Text Address used for invoicing purposes.
siteName Text Name of the site where the job is being conducted.
siteAddress Text Address of the site where the job is being conducted.
siteAdminDistrict Text Administrative district of the site.
siteAdminDistrictEA Text Environmental Agency administrative district of the site.
siteRegion Text Region where the site is located.
siteContactName Text Name of the contact person at the site.
siteContactEmail Text Email address of the contact person at the site.
jobOwner Text Owner of the job.
department Text Department associated with the job.
purchaseOrderNumber Text Purchase order number associated with the job.
processGivingRiseToTheWaste Text Process that generates waste in the job.
carrierName Text Name of the carrier associated with the job.
carrierAddress Text Address of the carrier associated with the job.
carrierRegistationNumber Text Registration number of the carrier.
carrierLicenceType Text Licence type of the carrier.
disposalSiteName Text Name of the disposal site.
disposalSiteAddress Text Address of the disposal site.
disposalSiteAdminDistrict Text Administrative district of the disposal site.
disposalSiteAdminDistrictEA Text Environmental Agency administrative district of the disposal site.
disposalSiteRegion Text Region where the disposal site is located.
disposalSitePermitNumber Text Permit number of the disposal site.
disposalSitePermitType Text Permit type of the disposal site.
jobContainsHazardousWaste Boolean Indicates if the job contains hazardous waste (Yes/No).
jobContainsADRWaste Boolean Indicates if the job contains ADR (Accord européen relatif au transport international des marchandises Dangereuses par Route) waste (Yes/No).
noOfWasteLines Number Number of waste lines associated with the job.
estWasteTotalPrice Number Estimated total price of the waste.
noOfExtrasLines Number Number of extra pricing lines associated with the job.
estExtrasTotalPrice Number Estimated total price of the extras.
driverName Text Name of the driver assigned to the job.
driverEmployeeNumber Text Employee number of the driver assigned to the job.
vehicleRegistrationNumber Text Registration number of the vehicle used for the job.
vehicleType Text Type of vehicle used for the job.
co2Emissions Number CO2 emissions associated with the job.
costPerMile Number Cost per mile for the job.
assetName Text Name of the asset associated with the job.
createdBy Text User who created the job.
lineSection Text Indicates the section this line pertains to within the job, distinguishing between Waste and Extra items.
lineNumber Number Number assigned to the line in the job.
lineTypeName Text Type of the line in the job, either waste type or extra type.
lineDescription Text Description of the line in the job.
wasteContainsHazardousWaste Boolean Indicates if the line contains hazardous waste - waste only.
lineFinalised Boolean Indicates if the line is finalised.
lineUnitQuantity Number Quantity of the unit in the line.
lineUnitName Text Name of the unit in the line.
weightVolume Number Weight or volume associated with the line - waste only.
weightVolumeUnitName Text Name of the unit for weight or volume - waste only.
specificGravity Number Specific gravity associated with the line - waste only.
kgEquivalent Number Kilogram equivalent associated with the line - waste only.
weightInTonnes Number Weight of the line in tonnes - waste only.
physicalState Text Physical state of the waste in the line - waste only.
ewcCodes Text The list of EWC codes associated with the line - waste only.
ewcCodeDescriptions Text The list of EWC code descriptions associated with the line - waste only.
hpCodes Text List of HP codes associated with the line - waste only. .
hpNames Text List of the names of the HP codes associated with the line - waste only.
rdCode Text RD code associated with the line - waste only.
adrNumber Text ADR number associated with the line - waste only.
properShippingNameId Text ID of the proper shipping name associated with the line - waste only.
adrNameWasteFull Text Full name of the ADR waste associated with the line - waste only.
actionName Text Name of the action associated with the line - waste only.
recycling Boolean Indicates if recycling is involved with the line - waste only.
energyFromWaste Boolean Indicates if energy from waste is involved with the line - waste only.
incineration Boolean Indicates if incineration is involved with the line - waste only.
treatment Boolean Indicates if treatment is involved with the line - waste only.
hazardousLandfill Boolean Indicates if hazardous landfill is involved with the line - waste only.
nonHazardousLandfill Boolean Indicates if non-hazardous landfill is involved with the line - waste only.
recoverySplit Number Split of recovery associated with the line - waste only.
disposalSplit Number Split of disposal associated with the line - waste only.
linePricingBasis Text Pricing basis of the line.
allowanceIncluding Number Allowance included in the pricing.
allowanceContainerPrice Number Container price included in the allowance.
minContainerQuantity Number Minimum container quantity.
minWeightVolumeAmount Number Minimum weight or volume amount.
linePricingQuantity Number Pricing quantity of the line.
lineUnitPrice Number Unit price of the line.
lineTotaliser Number A written text description explaining how the total price was created.
lineUnitCost Number Unit cost of the line.
lineGrossMargin Number Gross margin of the line.
lineCostSupplierSiteName Text Name of the supplier site associated with the cost of the line.
lineTotalPrice Number Total price of the line.
lineTotalCost Number Total cost of the line.
invoiceNumberMostRecent Text Most recent invoice number associated with the line.
invoiceNumbers Text List of invoice numbers associated with the line.
purchaseOrderNumbers Text List of purchase order numbers associated with the line.
creditNoteNumbers Text List of credit note numbers associated with the line.

Frequently asked questions

Why does my data have duplicate job numbers in it?

Duplicate job numbers may appear in your data due to the presence of multiple waste and extra lines associated with a single job. Each extra line represents a distinct item or quantity of the additional waste and non-waste related lines within the job, hence necessitating the duplication of job numbers to accurately reflect this relationship in the dataset. This ensures comprehensive tracking and management of both waste and non-waste-related activities within the job.

Why is there an additional Environment Agency administrative district?

Dsposal Paperwork uses ONS data for site location purposes, whereas the Environment Agency employs distinct names and districts for waste reporting. Paperwork accommodates these variations by offering both datasets to address diverse scenarios effectively.

What is a field?

A field refers to a single piece of data within a dataset, also known as a column or attribute. It represents a specific characteristic or attribute of the data being collected or analysed. For example, in a dataset of opportunity information, fields may include "department," "salesType," "customerSite," and "lostReason".

Why do your field names look funny?

We use a computer programming convention called camel case (more accurately lower camel case) where multiple words are combined into a single word, with each word (except the first one) capitalised and no spaces between the words. The name "camel case" comes from the capitalisation's resemblance to the humps of a camel.