Sales Extras Report¶
The Sales Extras Report delves into the pricing details associated with sales transactions within Dsposal's Paperwork. Unlike waste-related entries, extras encompass additional pricing lines that contribute to the overall sales transaction but are distinct from waste items. This report offers a comprehensive breakdown of these supplementary pricing lines, providing users with crucial insights into the financial aspects of sales transactions. As an essential component of the Sales Area, the Sales Extras Report ensures users can easily access and analyse pricing details, facilitating efficient management of sales-related finances.
Before you start¶
Before getting started, there are a couple of helpful things to know:
- The date from and to fields relate to the dates when the sale was created (not not the extra within the sale).
- Deleted sales are NOT included in the report, and deleted extra lines are NOT included in the report.
- Each sales transaction in the Sales Extra Report is uniquely identified by a salesId.
- The salesNumber serves as a reference code for each sales transaction and may appear multiple times if there are multiple extra lines associated with the same sales transaction.
- This duplication of salesNumbers allows for a comprehensive view of all extra lines associated with a particular sales transaction, ensuring accurate tracking of extras or managed through sales activities.
Fields in the report¶
Field Name | Format Type | Description |
salesId | Number | The unique identifier for the sales record. |
salesNumber | Text | Paperwork-generated unique identifier for this sales transaction. |
extrasId | Number | The unique identifier for the extra item. |
extraType | Text | The type or category of the extra item (e.g., Transport, Handling). |
description | Text | A brief description of the extra item. |
unitQuantity | Number | The quantity of the extra item. |
unit | Text | The unit of measurement for the extra item (e.g., Per Load, Each). |
chargingBasis | Text | The basis used for charging (e.g., Unit, Fixed). |
price£ | Number | The price in GBP (£) per unit of the extra item. |
totalPrice | Number | The total price associated with the extra item. |
caveat | Text | Any caveat or special consideration related to the extra item. |
privateNotes | Text | Private notes or comments related to the extra item. |
action | Text | The action associated with the extra item (e.g., Delivery). |
sittingActionDescription | Text | A description of the action associated with the extra item. |
wasteIds | Text | The waste IDs associated with the extra item. |
waste | Text | The description of the waste associated with the extra item. |
createdDate | Date/Time | The date and time when the extra item was created. |
createdBy | Text | The user who created the extra item. |
updatedDate | Date/Time | The date and time when the extra item was last updated. |
updatedBy | Text | The user who last updated the extra item. |
Frequently asked questions¶
Why does my data have duplicate sales numbers in it?
Duplicate sales numbers may appear in your data due to the presence of multiple extra lines associated with a single sales transaction. Each extra line represents a distinct item or quantity of the additional non-waste related lines within the sales transaction, hence necessitating the duplication of sales numbers to accurately reflect this relationship in the dataset. This ensures comprehensive tracking and management of non-waste-related activities within the sales transactions.
What is a field?
A field refers to a single piece of data within a dataset, also known as a column or attribute. It represents a specific characteristic or attribute of the data being collected or analysed. For example, in a dataset of opportunity information, fields may include "department," "salesType," "customerSite," and "lostReason".
Why do your field names look funny?
We use a computer programming convention called camel case
(more accurately lower camel case) where multiple words are combined into a single word, with each word (except the first one) capitalised and no spaces between the words. The name "camel case" comes from the capitalisation's resemblance to the humps of a camel.