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Customer Sectors

Before you start

This article provides an overview of the Customer Sectors table within References. Customer Sectors allow you to classify customers, aiding in organisation and reporting within Paperwork.

Completely optional

Customer Sectors is a purely optional area of Paperwork. It comes down to individual organisations' business logic whether or not it is used.

Understanding Customer Sectors

Customer Sectors in Dsposal's Paperwork include the following information:

  • Sector Name: The name of the customer sector, providing a descriptive label for classification.
  • Status: Indicates whether the customer sector is active or archived.
  • Action: Dropdown menu providing options to view/edit or archive the customer sector.

Adding a Customer Sector

  1. Click on the "Add Customer Sector" button.
  2. Enter the required information in the provided fields:
  3. Sector Name: Provide a name for the customer sector.
  4. Click "Submit" to save the new customer sector.

Managing Customer Sectors

Organisations can manage Customer Sectors by:

  • Adding new customer sectors: Classify customers into sectors for better organisation.
  • Editing existing customer sectors: Update information such as sector name or status.
  • Archiving customer sectors: Mark sectors that are no longer in use or relevant to streamline the list and improve usability within Paperwork.


Customer Sectors are used in the following areas of Paperwork:

They also help in segmenting customers for targeted marketing and service delivery.