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Before you start

This article delves into the departments available across different modules within Dsposal's Paperwork. Deparments , once created, remain permanently recorded and cannot be deleted. However, they can be archived, preventing further selection when no longer applicable

What are departments?

Departments allows you to set opportunities, sales, jobs and finance documents to specific divisions or departments.

Completely optional

Departments is a purely optional area of Paperwork. It comes down to individual organisations' business logic whether or not it is used.

Departments details

Name Description Input type Requirement Type
Department Code A short code used to quickly identify the department. text required
Department The name of the department. text required
Description The description of the department. text optional
Colour A colour of the department use to quickly identify the department. text required
Cost Centre Code A short code associated to a costing centre for finance. text optional or required
Archived Is this department still available for selection or has it been archived? choice required
Action A button with a selector for actions related to this department. It provides a user interface element for initiating specific actions related to the department. N/A N/A
Cost Centre Code optional or required?

The Cost Centre Code requirement type is dependent on the Is strict accounting required? field within the Settings Module Settings >> System >> System Information. This changes the requirement in all modules.


Each department has a number of actions that can be done to it. Not all are available all the time, the actions are dependent on the status of the department.

Action Description
Manage Opens up available actions for the department.
View / Edit Opens the department in edit mode, accessible when the department is active.
Archive Archives the department, preventing selection in other Paperwork areas, available when the department is active.
View Opens the department in view mode, applicable when the department is archived.
Restore Restores the department, enabling selection in other Paperwork areas, available when the department is archived.


Departments are used in the following areas of Paperwork:

The ERD(1) below shows where departments are used within Paperwork.

  1. An Entity Relationship Diagram is a type of diagram that lets you see how different entities (e.g. people, customers, or other objects) relate to each other in an application or a database.
    Opportunities }o..o| departments : "linked to"
    Sales }o..o| departments : "linked to"
    departments ["Departments"] {
        departmentCode text 
        department text
        description text
        colour text
        costCentreCode text
        archived boolean
    departments }o..o{ extraTypes : limits
    extraTypes ["Extra Types"]