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Extra Types

Before you start

This article provides an overview of the Extra Types table within References. Extras are pricing lines that are not directly waste related, such as admin fees, transport costs, rebates, etc. Extra Types help categorise these extras for easier analysis.

Completely optional

Extra Types is a purely optional area of Paperwork. It comes down to individual organisations' business logic whether or not it is used.

Understanding Extra Types

Extra Types in Dsposal's Paperwork include the following information:

  • Extra Type Name: The name of the extra type (mandatory).
  • Description: A brief description outlining the purpose or nature of the extra type.
  • Nominal Code: The nominal code associated with the extra type, selected from the Nominal Code reference table (mandatory).
  • Department(s): The departments where this extra type is to be used, selected from the Departments reference table. This can be a single department or multiple departments.

Adding an Extra Type

  1. Click on the "Add Extra Type" button.
  2. Enter the required information in the provided fields:
  3. Extra Type Name: Provide the name of the extra type.
  4. Description: Provide a brief description of the extra type.
  5. Nominal Code: Select the appropriate nominal code from the list.
  6. Department(s): Select the departments where this extra type will be used. You can select one or many departments from the Departments reference table.
  7. Click "Submit" to save the new extra type.

Managing Extra Types

Organisations can manage Extra Types by:

  • Adding new extra types: Define new categories for pricing lines that are not directly related to waste.
  • Editing existing extra types: Update information such as the name, description, nominal code, or department assignment.
  • Archiving extra types: Mark extra types that are no longer in use to streamline the list and improve usability within Paperwork.


Extra Types are used in the following areas of Paperwork:

Extra Types play a crucial role in financial management, helping to categorise and analyse various non-waste-related costs and revenues accurately.