Vehicle Types¶
Before you start¶
This article provides insights into the Vehicle Types table within References. Vehicle Types classify vehicles used by an organisation, such as IBCs, Skips, Bins, or Bales. Vehicle Types can be added, edited, and archived and can aid in classification of vehicles.
Vehicle Types act as parent categories, feeding into specific vehicles listed in the Vehicles section. For example, the Vehicle Type "Skip Truck" might include child vehicles like "Transit 350".
Completely optional
Vehicle Types is a purely optional area of Paperwork. It comes down to individual organisations' business logic whether or not it is used.
Understanding Vehicle Types¶
Vehicle Types within Dsposal's Paperwork include the following information:
- Vehicle Type Name: The name of the vehicle type, providing a descriptive label for identification.
- Co2 Emissions (per mile): The Co2 emissions given off by the vehicle type per mile, which helps to track your organisation's carbon emissions.
- Cost per mile: The cost per mile of this vehicle type, allowing calculation of fuel costs.
Vehicle Types are "Editable", meaning they can be changed by your organisation.
Managing Vehicle Types¶
Organisations can manage Vehicle Types by:
- Adding new vehicle types.
- Updating existing vehicle types to reflect changes in descriptions, associated nominal codes, or collectability with other vehicles.
- Archiving vehicle types that are no longer in use or relevant to streamline the list and improve usability.
Vehicle Types play an important role in organising and classifying vehicles within Paperwork. They are utilised within the Vehicles section.