Section Statuses¶
Before you start¶
This article looks into the Section Statuses, an important part of Dsposal's Paperwork's Work Module. These section statuses signify what status a job is in, starting when it is an opportunity or sale and working through to the final finance stage.
Understanding Section Statuses¶
All section statuses fall within the Sections denoted in the Sections table, including "Finance", "Jobs", "Opportunities", and "Quotes". Statuses appear as badges throughout the full conversion process. Section statuses exist to denote what stage of the opportunity-finance process a job is in. For example, if an organisation uses the Opportunities area, a potential opportunity they have in the system might have a section status of "Active", meaning that the opportunity is still progressing, or it might have a section status of "Lost", meaning the opportunity failed to materialise. This status is available at a glance of the table that includes the opportunities so that users can quickly recognise if a job is making its way through the system, and if not where it stopped.
Each status listed in this table includes the following information:
- Section Name: This is the name of the Section, from the list of four above.
- Status Name: This is the name of the status, for example "Draft" or "Voided".
- Description: This is probably the most important bit of information in the table, which explains what this status means.
- Colour: This is the colour of the status badge.
- Archived: This denotes whether the status is an archived or active status. If the status is an archived status, it means the details for the relevant job can no longer be changed and that this job's conversion is finalised. There are only two archived statuses: "Finance - Submitted" and "Finance - Queried". If the status is an active status, the job details can still be changed and/or converted.
Statuses can be searched for using the "Search Sections" search bar at the top right corner of the table.
Read only
Sections are "Read Only", meaning they cannot be changed. These can be used within Paperwork but they are maintained by Dsposal.
Section statuses are used across Paperwork when converting an opportunity or sale throughout Paperwork's Work Module.