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This article looks into the system prefixes that are an important part of Dsposal's Paperwork's Work Module. Within the system tab, there is also other sections that are not covered in this article:

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There are five prefixes that must be set. These prefixes are added to generated numbers to provide users an understanding where an id was created.

System prefix

A three letter identifier that is linked to sales and jobs e.g. the 'DSP' (for Dsposal) in the quote DSP-2001001 and in the job DSP-2001001/00045.

The default value for this is a number value created when the organisation is created in the compliance dashboard. Once a three digit value has been set, it cannot be changed.

Opportunity prefix

A short identifier that indicates that the number is linked to an opportunity. The default value for this is OPP. The first opportuntity that is created will be OPP0001.

Invoice prefix

A short identifier that indicates that the number is linked to an invoice. The default value for this is INV. The first invoice that is created will be INV0001.

Purchase order prefix

A short identifier that indicates that the number is linked to a purchase order. The default value for this is PO. The first purchase order that is created will be PO0001.

Credit note prefix

A short identifier that indicates that the number is linked to a credit note. The default value for this is CN. The first credit note that is created will be CN0001.