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Waste management regulations rely on a structured framework to ensure the safe handling and disposal of various waste streams, and it requires waste producers to be able to accurately identify waste and its disposal routes using this framework. In addition to searching for specific codes, the Waste Thesaurus can also be used to browse codes by clicking on the relevant button below the search bar. Doing so will display different dropdowns that can be used to browse through different code options.

EWC Codes

Once the "EWC Codes" button has been clicked, the page will display a few drop-down categories:

  • Chapters
  • Sub-Chapters
  • Individual Entries

To browse each section on its own, click the arrow. This will open up the category accordion.


Within the Chapters accordion are tiles for each Chapter. The tile includes the Chapter number and the start of the description. The full description can be displayed by hovering over the tile. When the tile is clicked, a new page will display which includes the full description of the Chapter and another set of tiles. This set of tiles includes the Sub-Chapters within this Chapter. These can be clicked to display the Individual Entries related to that Sub-Chapter.


Within the Sub-Chapters accordion are tiles for each Sub-Chapter. The tile includes the Chapter number alongside the Sub-Chapter number (e.g. 02 03) and the start of the description.The full description can be displayed by hovering over the tile. When clicked, a new page will display which includes the full description of the Sub-Chapter and another set of tiles. This set of tiles includes the Individual Entries within this Sub-Chapter. The Individual Entry tiles can be clicked to show full details for that individual entry.

Individual Entries

Within the Individual Entries accordion are tiles for each EWC entry. The tile includes the entry's classifying number, which makes the full EWC code, a brief description, and the entry type, which includes information about if the waste is hazardous. Clicking on this tile will display a new page that includes the full information of the EWC entry. These details include the EWC Code, description, entry type and description, information on what an EWC Code is, the Chapter and Sub-Chapter information for this code, then a list of examples of wastes that are classified within that entry.

The page for the EWC entry will also contain a colour-coded image. The colour of the code's image depends on its entry type. A red EWC code image means the EWC code relates to Absolute Hazardous waste, a blue image means the EWC code relates to Mirror Hazardous waste, a green image means that the EWC code relates to Mirror Non-Hazardous waste, and a black image relates to AAbsolute Non-Hazardous waste.

RD Codes

Within the RD Code accordion are tiles related to each RD code. These include the RD code itself and the start of the relevant description. The full description can be displayed by hovering over the tile. Clicking on this tile will display a new page that includes the full description.

HP Codes

Within the HP Code accordion are tiles related to each HP code. These include the HP code itself and the start of the relevant description. The full description can be displayed by hovering over the tile. Clicking on this tile will display a new page that includes the full description.